As a parent/carer you will be consulted if a referral needs to be made to seek additional advice and support for your child. After this discussion a referral into the appropriate service(s) can be made.

Here is a list of some of the additional services and professional bodies used by St Nicholas CE Primary School that are available to provide support, following a referral to children and families.

Names and contact numbers are available through school.

Student Support Team (SST)

Pupil Welfare Officer

Child Adolescent Mental Health Service (CAMHS)

Young Carers

NHS Speech and Language Therapists/SHINE

Occupational Therapists


School Nurse

Parenting Team

Educational Psychologist

Behavioural Advisory Teacher (BAT)

Trinity Hospice


Sensory Services Advisory Teachers- teachers of the Deaf and Visually Impaired

Physical and Motor Difficulties Advisory Teacher

Links to these and other services can be accessed by the Blackpool Local Offer