Our Sports Council

The sports council consists of 10 pupils made up of 1 child from each class from Year 2 to Year 6.

The children have all been nominated by their classes for a position on the council to represent the school voice in all sporting decisions.  These councillors work with Mrs DuQuesnay to improve the quality and selection of sports that the school teachers or participates in.  They take opinions from their classmates and feed back information which helps to inform decisions and create a sporting ethos by:

  • Helping to organise Intra-School competitions
  • Helping to ensure our achievements are shared with the rest of the school
  • Ensure that the school sports notice board is up to date with results
  • Be a representative for the rest of the school to put ideas and opinions forward
  • There may be opportunities for pupils to attend leadership meetings to develop their skills and share ideas
  • Pupils will have their own sports councillor badge to wear proudly around school
  • They will help to organise and run both Sports Days and School Games Days

Pupils will be helped every step of the way with their role and new sports councillors will be appointed each academic year.

Here are some photos of our flourishing sports stars.


Sports Newsletters